

The Gathering Global Ministries is a prophetic virtual church committed to creating an intimate space for worship, prayer, teaching, discipleship and providing a loving community that reflects the love of Christ.
We have a very rich and diverse multicultural community of believers joining in from different parts of the world.
We are called to raise kingdom citizens/ leaders; maturing and equipping them to live purpose-filled lives making impact in their surroundings and the world at large.

Our foundational scripture is Matthew 18:20. “For where two or three are gathered together in My Name, I am there in the midst of them.“

We are passionate about authenticity and encourage everyone to “Come as you are.” We trust that by the power of The Holy Spirit, the teaching of the infallible Word of God, and proper discipleship we will all be transformed into the image of Christ Jesus as his Kingdom ambassadors (2 Corinthians 3:18)

If you are looking for an online Church family where you can be discipled, grow in your intimacy with God and fellowship with other believers, YOU BELONG HERE.


Gershon and Edith Addo are lead pastors of “The Gathering Global Ministries”. They’ve been married since 2010 and live in North Carolina with their five beautiful children. Gershon serves as the visionary leader of the church and together with Edith, are shepherding and raising leaders from around the world, representing Christ to the nations. Their passion is to minister the Gospel of the Kingdom to the lost, see people free and for all to experience the love and transformative power of Jesus Christ by His Word and Holy Spirit.

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Family Now

our story

Gershon Addo, our visionary leader received a vision in a dream to start this ministry in 2022. In the dream, the Lord gave him the name “The Gathering“. God said He will gather His children from around the world and pour out His Spirit as they seek His face; worshipping Him in Spirit and in truth (Joel 2:28-29)
Gershon and his lovely wife Edith proceeded to start the ministry.

The Lord revealed to Gershon in 2023 that He will usher in mass deliverance through this ministry and many around the world bound by demonic oppression will be made free. Shortly after that prophetic word, there were many testimonies of people who joined our meetings from different parts of the world experiencing healing in their bodies, deliverance from demonic oppression and many notable miracles. That has been our testimony till date all to the glory of God.

We remain focused on the mission God has given us, making disciples of all nations, training and equipping them for the work of the ministry. We’ve been trusting God for His continual guidance as He builds and advances His Kingdom to the nations of the world.

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